# Copyright (C) 2020 NumS Development Team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import inspect
from types import FunctionType
from typing import Any, Union, List
import warnings
import numpy as np
from nums.core.array import utils as array_utils
from nums.core.compute.compute_interface import ComputeInterface, RNGInterface
from nums.core.grid.grid import DeviceGrid, DeviceID
from nums.core.systems import utils as systems_utils
from nums.core.systems.system_interface import SystemInterface
[docs]class ComputeManager(ComputeInterface):
Abstraction to support multiple systems;
namely simultaneous support for CPU and GPU system implementations.
# pylint: disable=abstract-method,useless-super-delegation
instance = None
[docs] @classmethod
def create(cls, system: SystemInterface, compute_module, device_grid: DeviceGrid):
if cls.instance is not None:
raise Exception()
cls.instance: ComputeManager = ComputeManager(
system, compute_module, device_grid
return cls.instance
[docs] @classmethod
def destroy(cls):
cls.instance = None
def __init__(
self, system: SystemInterface, compute_module, device_grid: DeviceGrid
self.system: SystemInterface = system
self.device_grid: DeviceGrid = device_grid
self.rng_cls = None
self.methods: dict = {}
self._block_shape_map = {}
[docs] def init_compute(self, compute_module):
compute_imp = compute_module.ComputeCls
# Check that all of kernel interface is implemented.
systems_utils.check_implementation(ComputeInterface, compute_imp)
if getattr(compute_module, "RNG", None) is None:
raise Exception(
"No random number generator implemented "
"for compute module %s" % str(compute_module)
self.rng_cls = compute_module.RNG
# Collect implemented module functions.
module_functions = systems_utils.extract_functions(compute_imp)
# Collect function signatures.
function_signatures: dict = {}
required_methods = inspect.getmembers(
ComputeInterface(), predicate=inspect.ismethod
for name, func in required_methods:
function_signatures[name] = func
for name, func in module_functions.items():
func_sig = function_signatures[name]
remote_params = func_sig.remote_params
except Exception as _:
remote_params = {}
self.register(name, func, remote_params)
# Add functions as methods of this class.
for name, _ in module_functions.items():
self.methods[name] = self.get_callable(name)
[docs] def get_rng(self, seed) -> RNGInterface:
return self.rng_cls(seed)
[docs] def get_callable(self, name: str):
def new_func(*args, **kwargs):
return self.call(name, *args, **kwargs)
return new_func
def __getattribute__(self, name: str):
methods = object.__getattribute__(self, "methods")
if name in methods:
return methods[name]
return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
# System Interface
[docs] def put(self, value: Any, **kwargs):
assert "syskwargs" in kwargs
kwargs = kwargs.copy()
syskwargs = kwargs["syskwargs"]
del kwargs["syskwargs"]
assert "options" not in syskwargs
device_id, options = self._process_syskwargs(syskwargs)
assert len(options) == 0
return self.system.put(value, device_id)
[docs] def get(self, object_ids: Union[Any, List]):
return self.system.get(object_ids)
[docs] def remote(self, function: FunctionType, remote_params: dict):
return self.system.remote(function, remote_params)
[docs] def devices(self):
return self.system.devices()
[docs] def register(self, name: str, func: callable, remote_params: dict = None):
self.system.register(name, func, remote_params)
def _process_syskwargs(self, syskwargs):
if "grid_entry" in syskwargs:
assert "grid_shape" in syskwargs
assert "device_id" not in syskwargs
grid_entry = syskwargs["grid_entry"]
grid_shape = syskwargs["grid_shape"]
device_id: DeviceID = self.device_grid.get_device_id(grid_entry, grid_shape)
elif "device_id" in syskwargs:
assert "grid_entry" not in syskwargs and "grid_shape" not in syskwargs
device_id: DeviceID = syskwargs["device_id"]
raise Exception("All calls require device_id or grid_entry and grid_shape.")
if "options" in syskwargs:
options = syskwargs["options"]
options = {}
return device_id, options
[docs] def call(self, name: str, *args, **kwargs):
assert "syskwargs" in kwargs
kwargs = kwargs.copy()
syskwargs = kwargs["syskwargs"]
del kwargs["syskwargs"]
device_id, options = self._process_syskwargs(syskwargs)
return self.system.call(name, args, kwargs, device_id, options)
[docs] def num_cores_total(self):
return self.system.num_cores_total()
[docs] def register_actor(self, name: str, cls: type):
return self.system.register_actor(name, cls)
[docs] def make_actor(self, name: str, *args, device_id: DeviceID = None, **kwargs):
return self.system.make_actor(name, *args, device_id=device_id, **kwargs)
[docs] def call_actor_method(self, actor, method: str, *args, **kwargs):
return self.system.call_actor_method(actor, method, *args, **kwargs)
# Block Shape Management
[docs] @staticmethod
def compute_block_shape_static(
shape: tuple, dtype: Union[type, np.dtype], cluster_shape: tuple, num_cores: int
# TODO (hme): This should also compute parameters for DeviceGrid.
if array_utils.is_float(dtype, type_test=True):
dtype = np.finfo(dtype).dtype
elif array_utils.is_int(dtype, type_test=True) or array_utils.is_uint(
dtype, type_test=True
dtype = np.iinfo(dtype).dtype
elif array_utils.is_complex(dtype, type_test=True):
dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
elif dtype in (bool, np.bool_):
dtype = np.dtype(np.bool_)
raise ValueError("dtype %s not supported" % str(dtype))
nbytes = dtype.alignment
size = np.product(shape) * nbytes
# If the object is less than 100 megabytes, there's not much value in constructing
# a block tensor.
if size < 10 ** 8:
block_shape = shape
return block_shape
if len(shape) < len(cluster_shape):
cluster_shape = cluster_shape[: len(shape)]
elif len(shape) > len(cluster_shape):
cluster_shape = list(cluster_shape)
for axis in range(len(shape)):
if axis >= len(cluster_shape):
cluster_shape = tuple(cluster_shape)
shape_np = np.array(shape, dtype=int)
# Softmax on cluster shape gives strong preference to larger dimensions.
cluster_weights = np.exp(np.array(cluster_shape)) / np.sum(
shape_fracs = np.array(shape) / np.sum(shape)
# cluster_weights weight the proportion of cores available along each axis,
# and shape_fracs is the proportion of data along each axis.
weighted_shape_fracs = cluster_weights * shape_fracs
weighted_shape_fracs = weighted_shape_fracs / np.sum(weighted_shape_fracs)
# Compute dimensions of grid shape
# so that the number of blocks are close to the number of cores.
grid_shape_frac = num_cores ** weighted_shape_fracs
grid_shape = np.floor(grid_shape_frac)
# Put remainder on largest axis.
remaining = np.sum(grid_shape_frac - grid_shape)
grid_shape[np.argmax(shape)] += remaining
grid_shape = np.ceil(grid_shape).astype(int)
# We use ceiling of floating block shape
# so that resulting grid shape is <= to what we compute above.
block_shape = tuple((shape_np + grid_shape - 1) // grid_shape)
return block_shape
[docs] def compute_block_shape(
shape: tuple,
dtype: Union[type, np.dtype],
if num_cores is None:
num_cores = self.num_cores_total()
if cluster_shape is None:
cluster_shape = self.device_grid.grid_shape
return ComputeManager.compute_block_shape_static(
shape, dtype, cluster_shape, num_cores
[docs] def update_block_shape_map(self, shape_dim, block_shape_dim):
if shape_dim in self._block_shape_map:
if self._block_shape_map[shape_dim] != block_shape_dim:
"Block size differs for dimensions of size %s, "
"this may cause some operations to be slower." % shape_dim
self._block_shape_map[shape_dim] = block_shape_dim
[docs] def get_block_shape(self, shape, dtype):
# Simple way to ensure shape compatibility for basic linear algebra operations.
block_shape = self.compute_block_shape(shape, dtype)
final_block_shape = []
for axis in range(len(shape)):
shape_dim = shape[axis]
block_shape_dim = block_shape[axis]
if shape_dim not in self._block_shape_map:
self.update_block_shape_map(shape_dim, block_shape_dim)
return tuple(final_block_shape)
[docs]def instance() -> ComputeManager:
return ComputeManager.instance