Source code for nums.models.glms

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import warnings

import numpy as np

from nums.core.application_manager import instance as _instance
from nums.core.array import utils as array_utils
from nums.core.array.application import ArrayApplication
from nums.core.array.blockarray import BlockArray
from nums.core.array.random import NumsRandomState
from nums.core import linalg

# The GLMs are expressed in the following notation.
# f(y) = exp((y.T @ theta - b(theta))/phi + c(y, phi))
# phi is the dispersion parameter.
# theta is the parameter of a model in canonical form.
# b is the cumulant generating function.
# The link function is expressed as follows.
# E(Y | X) = mu
# Define the linear predictor eta = X.T @ beta
# Define g as the link function, so that g(mu) = eta
# E(Y | X) = g^{-1}(eta)
# The canonical link is given by g(mu) = (b')^{-1}(mu) = theta
# Note, for GLMs, the mean mu is some function of the model's parameter.
# Normal: mu(mu) = mu
# Bernoulli: mu(p) = p
# Exponential: mu(lambda) = 1 / lambda
# Poisson: mu(lambda) = lambda
# Dirichlet: mu_i(a) = a_i / sum(a)
# Theta is generally a function of the model parameter:
# Normal: theta(mu) = mu
# Bernoulli: theta(p) = ln(p/(1-p))
# Exponential: theta(lambda) = -lambda
# Poisson: theta(lambda) = ln(lambda)
# ...
# The canonical link maps mu to theta
# Normal: mu(mu) = mu, theta(mu) = mu, b(theta) = theta^2/2, g(mu) = mu
# Bernoulli:
#   mu(p) = p, p(mu) = mu
#   theta(p) = ln(p/(1-p)) = theta(mu) = ln(mu/(1-mu))
#   b(theta) = log(1 + exp(theta))
#   g(mu) = (b')^{-1}(mu) = ln(mu/(1-mu)) = ln(p/(1-p)) = theta(p)

[docs]class GLM: def __init__( self, penalty="none", alpha=1.0, l1_ratio=0.5, tol=0.0001, max_iter=100, solver="newton", lr=0.01, random_state=None, fit_intercept=True, normalize=False, ): if fit_intercept is False: raise NotImplementedError("fit_incercept=False currently not supported.") if normalize is True: raise NotImplementedError("normalize=True currently not supported.") self._app = _instance() if random_state is None: NumsRandomState = self._app.random elif array_utils.is_int(random_state): NumsRandomState = NumsRandomState(, seed=random_state ) elif isinstance(random_state, NumsRandomState): NumsRandomState = random_state else: raise Exception( "Unexpected type for random_state %s" % str(type(random_state)) ) self._penalty = None if penalty == "none" else penalty if self._penalty not in (None, "l1", "l2", "elasticnet"): raise NotImplementedError("%s penalty not supported" % self._penalty) # All sources use lambda as regularization term, and alpha l1/l2 ratio. self._lambda = alpha self._l1penalty = None self._l1penalty_vec = None self._l2penalty = None self._l2penalty_vec = None self._l2penalty_diag = None self.alpha = l1_ratio self._tol = tol self._max_iter = max_iter self._opt = solver self._lr = lr self._beta = None self._beta0 = None
[docs] def fit(self, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray): # Note, it's critically important from a performance point-of-view # to maintain the original block shape of X below, along axis 1. # Otherwise, the concatenation operation will not construct the new X # by referencing X's existing blocks. # TODO: Option to do concat. # TODO: Provide support for batching. if np.issubdtype(X.dtype, np.integer): X = X.astype(float) X = self._app.concatenate( [ X, self._app.ones( shape=(X.shape[0], 1), block_shape=(X.block_shape[0], 1), dtype=X.dtype, ), ], axis=1, axis_block_size=X.block_shape[1], ) assert len(X.shape) == 2 and len(y.shape) == 1 beta: BlockArray = self._app.zeros( (X.shape[1],), (X.block_shape[1],), dtype=X.dtype ) tol: BlockArray = self._app.scalar(self._tol) max_iter: int = self._max_iter if self._penalty == "elasticnet": assert ( self.alpha is not None ), "l1_ratio must be specified for elastic net penalty." self._l1penalty = self.alpha * self._lambda self._l1penalty_vec = self._l1penalty * ( self._app.ones(beta.shape, beta.block_shape, beta.dtype) ) self._l1penalty_vec[-1] = 0.0 self._l2penalty = 0.5 * (1.0 - self.alpha) * self._lambda self._l2penalty_vec = self._l2penalty * ( self._app.ones(beta.shape, beta.block_shape, beta.dtype) ) self._l2penalty_vec[-1] = 0.0 self._l2penalty_diag = self._app.diag(self._l2penalty_vec) elif self._penalty == "l2": self._l2penalty = 0.5 * self._lambda self._l2penalty_vec = self._l2penalty * ( self._app.ones(beta.shape, beta.block_shape, beta.dtype) ) self._l2penalty_vec[-1] = 0.0 self._l2penalty_diag = self._app.diag(self._l2penalty_vec) elif self._penalty == "l1": self._l1penalty = self._lambda self._l1penalty_vec = self._l1penalty * ( self._app.ones(beta.shape, beta.block_shape, beta.dtype) ) self._l1penalty_vec[-1] = 0.0 if self._opt == "gd" or self._opt == "sgd" or self._opt == "block_sgd": lr: BlockArray = self._app.scalar(self._lr) if self._opt == "gd": beta = gd(self, beta, X, y, tol, max_iter, lr) elif self._opt == "sgd": beta = sgd(self, beta, X, y, tol, max_iter, lr) else: beta = block_sgd(self, beta, X, y, tol, max_iter, lr) elif self._opt == "newton" or self._opt == "newton-cg": if self._opt == "newton-cg": warnings.warn("Specified newton-cg solver, using newton instead.") beta = newton(self._app, self, beta, X, y, tol, max_iter) elif self._opt == "irls": # TODO (hme): Provide irls for all GLMs. assert isinstance(self, LogisticRegression) beta = irls(self._app, self, beta, X, y, tol, max_iter) elif self._opt == "lbfgs": beta = lbfgs(self._app, self, beta, X, y, tol, max_iter) else: raise Exception("Unsupported optimizer specified %s." % self._opt) self._beta0 = beta[-1] self._beta = beta[:-1]
[docs] def forward(self, X, beta=None): if beta: return self.link_inv(X @ beta) return self.link_inv(self._beta0 + X @ self._beta)
[docs] def grad_norm_sq(self, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, beta=None): g = self.gradient(X, y, self.forward(X, beta), beta=beta) return g.transpose(defer=True) @ g
[docs] def predict(self, X): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def objective( self, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, beta: BlockArray = None, mu: BlockArray = None, ): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def gradient( self, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, mu: BlockArray = None, beta: BlockArray = None, ): # gradient w.r.t. beta. raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def hessian(self, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, mu: BlockArray = None): # Hessian w.r.t. beta. raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def deviance(self, y, y_pred): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def deviance_sqr(self, X, y): y_pred = self.predict(X) dev = self.deviance(y, y_pred) y_mean = self._app.mean(y) dev_null = self.deviance(y, y_mean) return 1 - dev / dev_null
[docs] def obj_penalty(self, beta): if self._penalty == "l1": return self._l1penalty * self._app.norm(beta, order=1) elif self._penalty == "l2": return self._l2penalty * self._app.norm(beta, order=2) elif self._penalty == "elasticnet": return self._l2penalty * self._app.norm( beta, order=2 ) + self._l1penalty * self._app.norm(beta, order=1) else: raise ValueError("Unexpected call to objective term, penalty=None.")
[docs] def grad_penalty(self, beta): if self._penalty == "l1": return self._l1penalty_vec * self._app.map_uop("sign", beta) elif self._penalty == "l2": return self._l2penalty_vec * beta elif self._penalty == "elasticnet": return self._l2penalty_vec * beta + self._l1penalty_vec * self._app.map_uop( "sign", beta ) else: raise ValueError("Unexpected call to objective term, penalty=None.")
[docs] def hessian_penalty(self): if self._penalty == "l1": return 0.0 elif self._penalty == "l2" or self._penalty == "elasticnet": return self._l2penalty_diag else: raise ValueError("Unexpected call to objective term, penalty=None.")
[docs]class LinearRegressionBase(GLM): # Assume Sigma = I # canonical parameter: theta = mu # b(theta) = theta^2/2 # b'(theta) = theta # canonical link: g(mu) = mu = theta = eta = X @ beta # inverse canonical link: mu = b(theta) = b(eta) = eta
[docs] def objective( self, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, beta: BlockArray = None, mu: BlockArray = None, ): assert beta is not None or self._beta is not None mu = self.forward(X, beta) if mu is None else mu r = self._app.sum((y - mu) ** self._app.two) if self._penalty is not None: assert beta is not None r += self.obj_penalty(beta) return r
[docs] def gradient( self, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, mu: BlockArray = None, beta: BlockArray = None, ): if mu is None: mu = self.forward(X) r = X.transpose(defer=True) @ (mu - y) if self._penalty is not None: assert beta is not None r += self.grad_penalty(beta) return r
[docs] def hessian(self, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, mu: BlockArray = None): r = X.transpose(defer=True) @ X if self._penalty is not None: r += self.hessian_penalty() return r
[docs] def deviance(self, y, y_pred): return self._app.sum((y - y_pred) ** self._app.two)
[docs] def predict(self, X: BlockArray) -> BlockArray: return self.forward(X)
[docs]class LinearRegression(LinearRegressionBase): def __init__( self, tol=0.0001, max_iter=100, solver="newton", lr=0.01, random_state=None, fit_intercept=True, normalize=False, ): super().__init__( tol=tol, max_iter=max_iter, solver=solver, lr=lr, random_state=random_state, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, normalize=normalize, )
[docs]class Ridge(LinearRegressionBase): def __init__( self, alpha=1.0, tol=0.0001, max_iter=100, solver="newton", lr=0.01, random_state=None, fit_intercept=True, normalize=False, ): super().__init__( penalty="l2", alpha=alpha, tol=tol, max_iter=max_iter, solver=solver, lr=lr, random_state=random_state, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, normalize=normalize, )
[docs]class ElasticNet(LinearRegressionBase): # Reference: # sklearn documentation suggests lasso and elastic net have different coefficients # than linear regression, but this does not appear to be the case in any other source. def __init__( self, alpha=1.0, l1_ratio=0.5, tol=0.0001, max_iter=100, solver="newton", lr=0.01, random_state=None, fit_intercept=True, normalize=False, ): super().__init__( penalty="elasticnet", alpha=alpha, l1_ratio=l1_ratio, tol=tol, max_iter=max_iter, solver=solver, lr=lr, random_state=random_state, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, normalize=normalize, )
[docs]class Lasso(LinearRegressionBase): def __init__( self, alpha=1.0, tol=0.0001, max_iter=100, solver="newton", lr=0.01, random_state=None, fit_intercept=True, normalize=False, ): super().__init__( penalty="l1", alpha=alpha, tol=tol, max_iter=max_iter, solver=solver, lr=lr, random_state=random_state, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, normalize=normalize, )
[docs]class LogisticRegression(GLM): def __init__( self, penalty="none", C=1.0, tol=0.0001, max_iter=100, solver="newton", lr=0.01, random_state=None, fit_intercept=True, normalize=False, ): super().__init__( penalty=penalty, alpha=1.0 / C, tol=tol, max_iter=max_iter, solver=solver, lr=lr, random_state=random_state, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, normalize=normalize, )
[docs] def objective( self, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, beta: BlockArray = None, mu: BlockArray = None, ): assert beta is not None or self._beta is not None log, one = self._app.log, mu = self.forward(X, beta) if mu is None else mu r = -self._app.sum(y * log(mu) + (one - y) * log(one - mu)) if self._penalty is not None: assert beta is not None r += self.obj_penalty(beta) return r
[docs] def gradient( self, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, mu: BlockArray = None, beta: BlockArray = None, ): if mu is None: mu = self.forward(X) r = X.transpose(defer=True) @ (mu - y) if self._penalty is not None: assert beta is not None r += self.grad_penalty(beta) return r
[docs] def hessian(self, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, mu: BlockArray = None): if mu is None: mu = self.forward(X) dim, block_dim = mu.shape[0], mu.block_shape[0] s = (mu * ( - mu)).reshape((dim, 1), block_shape=(block_dim, 1)) r = X.transpose(defer=True) @ (s * X) if self._penalty is not None: r += self.hessian_penalty() return r
[docs] def deviance(self, y, y_pred): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def predict(self, X: BlockArray) -> BlockArray: return (self.forward(X) > 0.5).astype(
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X: BlockArray) -> BlockArray: y_pos = self.forward(X).reshape( (X.shape[0], 1), block_shape=(X.block_shape[0], 1) ) y_neg = 1 - y_pos return self._app.concatenate([y_pos, y_neg], axis=1, axis_block_size=2)
[docs]class PoissonRegression(GLM):
[docs] def objective( self, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, beta: BlockArray = None, mu: BlockArray = None, ): if beta is None: eta = X @ self._beta + self._beta0 else: eta = X @ beta mu = self._app.exp(eta) if mu is None else mu return self._app.sum(mu - y * eta)
[docs] def gradient( self, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, mu: BlockArray = None, beta: BlockArray = None, ): if mu is None: mu = self.forward(X) return X.transpose(defer=True) @ (mu - y)
[docs] def hessian(self, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, mu: BlockArray = None): if mu is None: mu = self.forward(X) # TODO (hme): This is sub-optimal as it forces the computation of X.T. return (X.transpose(defer=True) * mu) @ X
[docs] def deviance(self, y: BlockArray, y_pred: BlockArray) -> BlockArray: return self._app.sum( self._app.two * self._app.xlogy(y, y / y_pred) - y + y_pred )
[docs] def predict(self, X: BlockArray) -> BlockArray: return self.forward(X)
[docs]class ExponentialRegression(GLM): # canonical parameter: theta = - lambda # b(theta) = -log(-theta) # b'(theta) = -1/theta # canonical link: g(mu) = theta = eta = X @ beta # inverse canonical link: mu = b'(theta) = -1/theta = -1/eta
[docs] def objective( self, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, beta: BlockArray = None, mu: BlockArray = None, ): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def gradient( self, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, mu: BlockArray = None, beta: BlockArray = None, ): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def hessian(self, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, mu: BlockArray = None): raise NotImplementedError()
# Scikit-Learn aliases. PoissonRegressor = PoissonRegression
[docs]def sgd( model: GLM, beta, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, tol: BlockArray, max_iter: int, lr: BlockArray, ): # Classic SGD. app = _instance() for _ in range(max_iter): # Sample an entry uniformly at random. idx =[0]) X_sample, y_sample = X[idx : idx + 1], y[idx : idx + 1] mu = model.forward(X_sample, beta) g = model.gradient(X_sample, y_sample, mu, beta=beta) beta += -lr * g if app.max(app.abs(g)) <= tol: # sklearn uses max instead of l2 norm. break return beta
[docs]def block_sgd( model: GLM, beta, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, tol: BlockArray, max_iter: int, lr: BlockArray, ): # SGD with batches equal to block shape along first axis. app = _instance() for _ in range(max_iter): for (start, stop) in X.grid.grid_slices[0]: X_batch, y_batch = X[start:stop], y[start:stop] mu = model.forward(X_batch, beta) g = model.gradient(X_batch, y_batch, mu, beta=beta) beta += -lr * g if app.max(app.abs(g)) <= tol: break return beta
[docs]def gd( model: GLM, beta, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, tol: BlockArray, max_iter: int, lr: BlockArray, ): app = _instance() for _ in range(max_iter): mu = model.forward(X, beta) g = model.gradient(X, y, mu, beta=beta) beta += -lr * g if app.max(app.abs(g)) <= tol: break return beta
[docs]def newton( app: ArrayApplication, model: GLM, beta, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, tol: BlockArray, max_iter: int, ): for _ in range(max_iter): mu: BlockArray = model.forward(X, beta) g = model.gradient(X, y, mu, beta=beta) # These are PSD, but inv is faster than psd inv. beta += -linalg.inv(app, model.hessian(X, y, mu)) @ g if app.max(app.abs(g)) <= tol: break return beta
[docs]def irls( app: ArrayApplication, model: LogisticRegression, beta, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, tol: BlockArray, max_iter: int, ): for _ in range(max_iter): eta: BlockArray = X @ beta mu: BlockArray = model.link_inv(eta) s = mu * (1 - mu) + 1e-16 XT_s = X.transpose(defer=True) * s # These are PSD, but inv is faster than psd inv. XTsX_inv = linalg.inv(app, XT_s @ X) z = eta + (y - mu) / s beta = XTsX_inv @ XT_s @ z g = model.gradient(X, y, mu, beta) if app.max(app.abs(g)) <= tol: break return beta
# pylint: disable = unused-argument
[docs]def lbfgs( app: ArrayApplication, model: GLM, beta, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, tol: BlockArray, max_iter: int, ): # TODO (hme): Enable a way to provide memory length and line search parameters. from nums.models.lbfgs import LBFGS # pylint: disable = import-outside-toplevel lbfgs_optimizer = LBFGS(model, m=10, max_iter=max_iter, dtype=X.dtype, thresh=tol) return lbfgs_optimizer.execute(X, y, beta)
[docs]def admm(): raise NotImplementedError()